Version 1.1.2. October 05, 2009: Website upgrade, richer events & a couple of fixes
Website upgrade
Take a quick look around our updated website. jQuery Tools now has equal status to Flowplayer. Both are serious projects with active development. The largest upgrade was the intro page of our demo area which is done with the new version of Scrollable. The intro page is also documented so you can have a similar setup on your site too.

Extended event object
This version takes events and callbacks even further than before. Now the supplied event object contains additional information about the event and when the action was initiated by user interaction. For example, when the user clicked on a navigator item of a scrollable. Here is an example:
$("#scroll").scrollable().onSeek(function(event, index) {
// mouse position at the time when the event was fired
var x = event.pageX;
var y = event.pageY;
// whether CTRL, ALT, SHIFT or ESC was being pressed
var alt = event.altKey,
ctrl = event.ctrlKey,
shift = event.shiftMey,
esc = event.metaKey;
// the original triggering element
var element = e.originalTarget || e.srcElement;
You can read more about the event object from the User's Manual.
Full list of changes in this release
- You can specify whether the tooltip closes upon mouseout or not. In fact you can configure the opening and closing event for the tooltip element. This occurs with the new effects.tooltip configuration option.
- Tooltip works flawlessly with animated effects when being quickly moved from one trigger to another. This was especially problematic in the form demo which now works smoothly.
- Fixed the "black box" PNG bug in the toggle effect when using Internet Explorer .
- Fixed a bug where this.getTrigger() may return a the tooltip element inside callbacks when the tooltip was being hidden by moving the mouse out of the tooltip.
- When an effect is not found a proper error message is thrown: Nonexistent effect "myeffect"
- A new onStart callback function which is triggered just before the items start scrolling. This happens between onBeforeSeek and onBeforeSeek events. All API methods rely on the fact that the scollable is already at its target position. By returning false inside this function you can prevent the disabling of the navigational elements.
- Ability to change the speed inside the onBeforeSeek event. Thanks blacktrash
- The index argument is supplied for the callback functions that are given to seeking functions as an argument
- next and nextPage buttons are now disabled when the item count is less than the scrollable size thanks sb3den
Scrollable navigator
- A new configuration variable idPrefix which generates the ID attribute for each item so that they can be uniquely styled with CSS. For example, the value "foo" generates the IDs: "foo0", "foo1", "foo2" and so on.
- An active class is assigned with the new onStart event so that the navigator behaviour is more visually pleasing.
- Only performs an initial click() call when initialIndex is a positive number. Now it is possible toinitialize the tabs so that all tabs are hidden.
- Fixed a bug where getCurrentPane() did not return anything although a proper initialIndex was specified.
- If an overlayed element is not found, a proper error message is thrown: "Could not find Overlay: #my-overlay2"
- Better error message in an effect is non-existent: 'Overlay: cannot find effect : "apple"
- New onStart callback which is triggered just before the overlay starts appearing in an animated way. This happens between the onBeforeLoad and onLoad events. The overlay has already been positioned to the place where it starts animating. This callback is not triggered if the loading action has been cancelled in onBeforeLoad.
- Optional event object can be given as an argument to the load() and close() functions and it will be handed to the callback functions. A convenient way to pass data to the callbacks.
A piece of information

The text on the image is inside the wall. No Photoshop.