This is a message.


This tool brings HTML5 date input to all browsers in such a way that you can make it look and behave like you want. This small screen candy weights only 2.0 Kb.

standalone demo

When the calendar is visible you can navigate between days with your Arrow Keys or with VIM keyboard shortcuts HJKL. PageUp and PageDown navigates between months and Enter selects the day. The Home key will navigate to the present day and backspace clears the input.

HTML5 date input

This tool brings HTML5 <input type="date" /> support to all browsers in a consistent and standardized manner today. The date field is just like any other form field which can be scripted and submitted. Opera will render date input even if JavaScript is disabled.

For nerds and humans

Call $(":date").dateinput(); and all your HTML5 date inputs are working. End users can select dates with the mouse or with the keyboard arrow keys. Hackers can use VIM keyboard shortcuts (HJKL) to navigate between dates and months.


You can design calendars that fit the overall feel of your site. You can use images and the latest CSS3 techniques if you like. CSS class names can be changed and tables are not used, so you can even design your own layout: be it single row or vertical. Professional example skins are provided, and you can use them for free.

File size: 2.0 Kb

This tool give you all the features and configuration options you'll possibly need, such as localization, formatting, year/selectors, a scripting API and an event model. A smaller codebase is easier to control and results in snappier behaviour.



Property Default Description
css Object Values for the id and class attributes of the dateinput. See skinning for more details.
firstDay 0 Specifies the first day of the week. Sunday = 0, Monday = 1 and so on ….
format 'mm/dd/yy' Specifies how the date value is formatted in the input field. See formatting for more details.
lang 'en' Language to be used. Only English is built-in, but localization is possible.
max 0 Latest selectable date. See supplying date values for more details.
min 0 Earliest selectable date. See supplying date values for more details.
offset [0, 0] The dateinput is positioned right below the input field. You can fine tune the position with this property. For example, the value [10, -20] moves the tooltip position 10px downwards and 20px to the left. The first value modifies the vertical positioning from the top edge of the tooltip and the second value modifies the horizontal positioning from the left edge of the tooltip. Positive values move the tooltip downwards (first value) or to the right (second value), while negative values move the tooltip upwards (first value) or to the left (second value).
selectors false Whether month and year dropdown menus are displayed.
speed 100 The speed (in milliseconds) at which the dateinput reveals itself.
trigger false Whether a trigger element is generated after the input field. This is an A tag with a CSS class name caltrigger (can be changed) that opens up the calendar when clicked.
value Initial value to be displayed for the user. This can either be a valid date value or any string such as "Today".
yearRange [-5, 5] Range of years displayed relative to the current year.

Input attributes

You can also configure the dateinput by supplying attributes for the input field. For example:

<input type="date" class="date" data-value="2004-03-20" min="2004-02-20"/>


Here are all attributes supported by this tool. They are all are valid HTML5 attributes.

Attribute Description
disabled Whether the dateinput is completely disabled. The user cannot focus on the input element at all. This attribute can be toggled dynamically by scripting.
max Latest selectable date. See supplying date values for more information.
min Earliest selectable date. See supplying date values for more information.
readonly When enabled, the dateinput can only be opened and browsed but no date can be selected. This attribute can be toggled dynamically by scripting.
value Initial value. See supplying date values for more information.
data-value Initial date value. This is the primary means of providing the initial value because the value attribute is shown to the user and is typically formatted or it can be any string such as "Today".

Supplying date values

This tool accepts date values from various places: configuration, JavaScript API and from input attributes.

  // supply date values from the configuration
$(":date").dateinput({ value: new Date(2010, 3, 3), min: -10, max: 30 });
// supply date values from the API
var api = $(":date").data("dateinput");
// set as JavaScript Date object
// an empty argument moves the calendar to currently selected month
// chaining is possible

  <!-- supply a date value from an input attribute -->
<input type="date" min="-20" max="2013-03-10" />


You can supply the value in three different ways.

  1. A rfc3339 formatted string such as 2015-11-25
  2. A number such as 20. this is the number of days from the present date. A positive value moves forward (to the future) and a negative value goes backward (to the past)
  3. A JavaScript Date object


Formatting specifies how the dates are displayed for the user. The formatting pattern can be set in the format configuration variable or fed as argument to the getDate() function in the API. Here are a few examples:

// this is displayed to the user
format: 'You selected: dddd /',
// a different format is sent to the server
change: function() {
var isoDate = this.getValue('yyyy-mm-dd');


Formatting characters can be mixed with other characters and you can specify as many as you like.

List of formatting characters

Characters Description
d Day of the month as digits; no leading zero for single-digit days.
dd Day of the month as digits; leading zero for single-digit days.
ddd Day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation.
dddd Day of the week represented by its full name.
m Month as digits; no leading zero for single-digit months.
mm Month as digits; leading zero for single-digit months.
mmm Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
mmmm Month represented by its full name.
yy Year as last two digits; leading zero for years less than 10.
yyyy Year represented by four digits.


Skinning is the same as writing CSS against the dateinput HTML layout. Here is an example CSS file and the default HTML layout. This tool allows you to customize the id and class names with the css configuration option. For example:

css: {
prefix: null,
root: 'dateinput',
head: 'datehead'



All ids and class names are prefixed by the value specified in the prefix property, allowing you to give them one common "namespace". This avoids potential clashes with other CSS names in your web application. By setting this value to null the prefix is not used, allowing you to use shorter names. The following table lists all properties supported by the css configuration option. By default the tool uses a prefix "cal" which is colored blue in the default value column.

CSS names

Name Type Element Default value Description
input class input date The date input field
root id div calroot The root element for the dateinput.
head id div calhead Dateinput header that contains next/prev month buttons and dropdown menus.
title id div caltitle Title of the dateinput.
prev id a calprev Previous month link.
next id a calnext Next month link.
disabled class a caldisabled Class name for a prev/next month navigation button which cannot be pressed.
month id select calmonth Month selector.
year id select calyear Year selector.
body id div calbody Dateinput body that contains the day names and the weeks.
days id div caldays Container for day names. Individual days are span elements.
weeks id div calweeks Container for weeks.
week class div calweek Container for days. Individual days are a elements.
off class a caloff Class name for a day that is not within range (older or newer than max/min days).
sunday class a calsunday Class name for Sundays.
current id a calcurrent id for the currently selected day.
today id a caltoday id for the present day.
focus class a calfocus Class name for a day that has been focused via keyboard navigation.
trigger class a caltrigger Class name for the trigger element after the input field if the trigger configuration variable is enabled

Scripting API

First make sure you have familiarized yourself with jQuery Tools scripting.

Method Return value Description
addDay(amount) API Adds days to the currently selected date. The amount of days is specified in the argument. Without an argument one day is added and a negative argument moves backwards. Does not have any effect when the calendar is opened.
addMonth(amount) API Adds months to the currently selected date. The amount of months is specified in the argument. Without an argument one month is added and a negative argument moves backwards. If you call this method while the calendar is opened then the calendar seeks forward and backward but the value does not change.
addYear(amount) API Adds years to the currently selected date. The amount of years is specified in the argument. Without an argument one year is added and a negative argument moves backwards. If you call this method while the calendar is opened then the calendar seeks forward and backward but the value does not change.
getConf() Object Returns the configuration of the current instance.
getCalendar() jQuery Returns the root element for the calendar.
getInput() jQuery Returns the input field associated with the dateinput.
getValue() Date Returns the currently selected date.
getValue(format) String Returns the current date, formatted with the pattern given as the argument.
hide() API Hides the calendar.
isOpen() boolean Whether calendar is opened (true) or closed (false).
setMax(value, [fit]) API Sets the latest selectable date. See supplying date values. If the fit argument is true and the current value is later than the maximum value then the current value is changed to the maximum value. By default fit is false.
setMin(value, [fit]) API Earliest selectable date. See supplying date values. If the fit argument is true and the current value is earlier than the minimum value then the current value is changed to the minimum value. By default fit is false.
setValue(date) API Sets the current date to the one given in the argument. Must be a JavaScript Date object. If the argument is empty and the calendar is opened then the calendar is moved to the month where the currently selected date is.
setValue(year, month, day) API Sets the current date.
show() API Shows the calendar.
today() API Goes to today.


First make sure you have read about Events in jQuery Tools. All event listeners receive the Event Object as the first argument. Here is an example:

// select an input field and assign an event listener to it.
$("").change(function(event, date) {"a date was selected", date);

Event When does it occur?
onBeforeShow Before the dateinput is shown.
onShow After the dateinput is completely shown (after an optional animation).
change When a date was selected and the field value has been changed. Note that the name is the same as the jQuery's change method and that you can bind the event directly with this function. For other events you must use the bind method. This leads to more fluent syntax as demonstrated in the example above.
onHide When the dateinput is closed. Returning false here will not hide the calendar.


You can localize the dateinput to your language with a static $.tools.dateinput.localize call, after which you can use the dateinput with another language. The tool uses the following call internally to enable English localization:

  // built-in localization
$.tools.dateinput.localize("en", {
months: 'January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December',
shortMonths: 'Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec',
days: 'Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday',
shortDays: 'Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat'


To add the French localization you should do the following:

  // example French localization
$.tools.dateinput.localize("fr", {
months: 'janvier,f&eacute;vrier,mars,avril,mai,juin,juillet,ao&ucirc;t,' +
shortMonths: 'jan,f&eacute;v,mar,avr,mai,jun,jul,ao&ucirc;,sep,oct,nov,d&eacute;c',
days: 'dimanche,lundi,mardi,mercredi,jeudi,vendredi,samedi',
shortDays: 'dim,lun,mar,mer,jeu,ven,sam'


Note: the '+' above is only to indicate the list of months is shown on two lines.

Notice that all special characters need to be escaped. I used this list to find the special entities for French characters. After the localization is in place you can use the French language by supplying lang: 'fr' in your configuration. Or you can make French the default language by editing the global configuration as follows: $.tools.dateinput.conf.lang = 'fr';